Home Mortgage and Equity Protection
Are you one of over 90 million American homeowners that have not protected the out-of-pocket cost of the equitable investments you’ve made in your home? Home Equity Protection Services (HEPS) has established itself as a pioneer, providing the only programs in America that can effectively secure and protect up to 100% of the intrinsic equitable value of the out-of-pocket costs you invest in and build in your home. In addition, once your home equity investments are protected through one of our programs, theyā€™re protected for as long as you own your home at no additional cost!
Whether you have remodelled your kitchen or bathroom, replaced your roof or repaired your plumbing, we can protect these and other out-of-pocket costs you invest in your home. These costs include your down payments, principal payments, permanent improvements, maintenance, and repairs. Why protect your home’s equity? To begin with, our home equity protection programs can stop a foreclosure in its tracks. Here’s why. Having established a Super Priority claim allows you to be reimbursed for the out-of-pocket cost of your equity investments in the event of foreclosure, seizure, eviction, or other action. Your lender will choose to work with you to stay in your home, knowing that you have a secured equitable interest and priority claim that entitles you to reimbursement.
The benefits of securing and protecting the intrinsic value of the out-of-pocket costs you invest in your home cannot be overstated. Even securing a small percentage of your home’s equity is better than having no protection at all. Simply put, if the value of your equitable interest remains unsecured, you are positioned to lose all the out-of-pocket investments you’ve made in your home.
To find out more, contact our support team for more information.